
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Part 2: today

Today marks the 13th anniversary of Andy's death. I can't help but think of just how far I've come in 13 years. I know he'd be proud. However, I also know that there are many that are still hurting on this day. Some may still be bitter that his life was cut so short. Selfish because they wish he was here. But I praise God for the life he lived and effect he had on my life. I praise God that I was able to be apart of that short life he lived. And I know he has far better things to do today than to spend it with me. He's face to face with his Creator, worshiping Him with every ounce of his being. So I'll stop wishing I could hug him just once more, or talk to him on the phone for just a few more minutes. Today, I will simply miss him and the friendship we had, because the life he is living now far outweighs anything on this earth.

Part 1: my weekend

So I forgot already that I was supposed to be sticking to a schedule and writing every Monday. I will get the hang of this. I'm sure of it. Today I am writing two though so that makes up for it, right?

On Saturday, Shay and Sherry took me to the Boise market. It happens every Saturday from April to October and takes up a good portion of 8th Street downtown Boise. It reminds me a little of Boston's Haymarket for my Bostonian readers. There are produce and flowers galore. Then there is a section for artisans...paintings, jewelry, wind chimes made out of spoons! I was in love with this place. Shay bought this fiery Huckleberry Jalapeno jam. I just had a taste (because I am still dieting), but it was delicious! Spicy and sweet. Great combination.
Now the first day I was in Boise, Jim and Sherry took Shay and I to this restaurant downtown called The Fork. I loved the atmosphere, and the food was even better. I had the Bogus Bosc salad. It was named after Bogus, the tallest mountain here. It had Bosc pear, gouda cheese, candied hazelnuts, and a champagne vinaigrette. Yum! Anyways, I digress...I fell in love with their glasses. I was sipping my water and fascinated by the glass when I felt the bottom and it hit me. I was drinking out of a recycled wine bottle! I was mesmerized and I wanted to take it home with me. So we asked about them and come to find out The Fork supports local vendors and bought them from the market.

So here I am at the market and what do I find? My glasses! This vendor makes glasses out of recycled bottles: vodka, beer, wine, etc. And they are beautiful. I've always thought wine bottles were so pretty.

After the market, Shay and I returned home to make some cupcakes for Trevor's birthday. We made German Chocolate, which I am told is his favorite. We made the German chocolate cake, the caramel/pecan/coconut filling, and chocolate frosting. We added toasted coconut and an espresso bean on top. I must say they turned out pretty good. Here's a pic of the final product.

We went to a Brazillian restaurant for his birthday dinner. The whole time Shay and I kept thinking about that scene in the movie Bridesmaids and hoping that wouldn't happen to us. It didn't. The food was great.

I took a walk yesterday with Riley. First of all when you go to put her leash on she gets so excited to be going on a walk that she hugs you. You read that right. The dog hugged me. She jumps up and puts one paw on each shoulder and pulls you in and wraps her paws around your neck while snuggling her face next to yours. She hugs you. She can't possibly get any cuter! Anyways, I walked around the block and was reading the street signs. I live on Silver Salmon, then there was Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, and Spoonbill. I'm not a nature girl, but I love the idea of nature. Does that make any sense? I love that there are freaking huge mountains that are visible from any point in this city. I love that there are horses across the street that I have taken it upon myself to name: Strawberry, Storm, and Zachyus (don't ask). I love that I can buy farm fresh eggs from someone down the street and that just about everyone grows their own tomatoes. But I also love that I can go downtown and indulge my city girl side. I love the fact that I don't have to hike up those freaking large mountains to fit in around here. Can I also mention that the small portion of Kentucky blood that I have loves the fact that there is a race track down the road and I can hear the cars roar on the weekends.'re an interesting place.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

my dad

I've been trying to get on more of a schedule with my blog, doing one each Monday. But today is a special day. Today Shay and I are sitting at the kitchen table reminiscing of our childhood days. We can't help but laugh at the times when Shay, Jess, and I were little and we thought our dad was the strongest man ever! We would beg him to show us his muscles. Daddy, Daddy pleeease! Most of the time he was too modest and would distract us in order to put an end to our continual pleading, but then there were times he humored us and flexed his muscles. He really was the strongest man ever! He could do anything! He was superman to us.

There was also the Donald Duck impersonation. We loved it! We would giggle and giggle until it hurt. Sometimes he would just do the sound Donald Duck made when he was frustrated, but most of the time he would tell us to “Go clean your room.”

Tickle time was no fun. He was brutal and relentless in his tickling. We constantly ran from him shrieking not wanting to be attacked by the tickle bug. We would try to return the favor, but dad HATES being tickled. His body tenses and he maneuvers his way out of your reach then goes on the attack. He shows no mercy at that point. One time mom was in the wrong place at the wrong time and she was accidentally kicked! That's the thing with tickling dad. You have to be ready for anything and prepared to take the consequences. Just a few weeks ago, we surrounded him and attacked while he was in his recliner. He jumped up to run after us and we all ran screaming and hiding. I hid in the basement. Not a smart move, the lock was on the other side of the door. Good for me he tires much more quickly now and didn't run far after us.

I also remember when he would help my mom in getting us ready for school. He would brush my hair for me. To this day I don't know why he did it, but he would count the strokes...fifty on each side and fifty in the back. I was always so proud of my hair :)

He would always joke that his recliner was his throne, his remote was his scepter and we were his slaves. He would say “why do you think I had kids?” When Aaron was born, poor guy received more of it ha. “AARON! WHERE'S AARON!?” He would threaten to ground us if his remote was missing. Which it was always missing. Of course, we would never have touched his scepter, but we would have to help him find it.

One of my favorite memories is of Jessica. She loved her baby dolls and thought they were real babies. She insisted on real diaper, real bottles, and real clothes for her babies. One day my dad decided to play a prank on her and make her day all at the same time. He put chunky peanut butter in her baby doll's diaper. Jess always changed her baby's diapers on a pretty regular basis. When she did, she screamed and ran around saying “my baby pooped!.” He was such a prankster.

I also thought of my dad as the smartest man ever. When we were little it seemed he knew everything. He was always reading, always studying. Reteaching himself Greek or Hebrew (we laughed a lot at his Hebrew). If I had a question, he always knew the answer whether it was honors algebra or literature. He also always knew where we were going. Still to this day, if we are driving through New York we can call and tell him what mile marker we are at and he'll tell us what to do and what not to do. He's better than any GPS I've ever used. There is only one time and one time only that I remember him getting lost. It was while we were in NYC. We had parked in Brooklyn to see the Brooklyn Tabernacle choir on a father's day long ago. He couldn't find the parking garage. Of course, he wouldn't tell us he was lost. No he only told us he knew exactly where he was going and that he had purposely circled the block three times.

Dad worked so hard. He always had more than one job, and always full time with the church. It seemed the church could never pay enough to cover our bills so he would have to find work else where. For many years, he taught school all day, spent hours grading papers, then spent all night at a church function or visitation. There were hospital visits, counseling sessions, prayer meetings, etc. Then preparing for Sunday not only included preparing for his sermon, but also handling the music and everything else. Sometimes it would require even cleaning the church to be ready for Sunday morning. He was constantly going, constantly working. For some years I resented it. It seemed he had more time for the church or the students in his class than he did for me, but then I would wake up really early in the morning and over hear him praying for me. I knew that everything he did, he did for God first then for his family. He worked hard, not because he loved it but because it provided for us and allowed him to do what God had called him to do.

He taught us more by living his life than with his actual words. He taught us how to love God and live a Godly life. He taught us that true happiness is not in all the toys you have but in your relationship with Christ.

I will never forget getting what we termed the “expensive” cards on Valentines (Hallmark) from our dad. He would always label them with our nicknames and write the sweetest things. It always brought a tear to my eye. My dad may be a quiet man, but he loves deeply. He taught us at a young age that we were loved and adored. He showed us how we were to be treated and not to settle for anything less. This could be why I am still single. No one measures up to my daddy. My dad is the strongest man ever. He is superman. He is Donald Duck. He is the smartest man ever. He is my GPS. He is my rock. He is my daddy.
Happy Father's Day!

Monday, June 13, 2011

day in the life of Tanya...yikes

So I'm adjusting to my much quieter, slower paced life here in Idaho. I haven't started my new job yet, so I spend my time staring at Riley as she stares at me. We have numerous staring competitions a day. She usually wins :( Right now she is currently circling my chair trying to catch a fly. That fly has no chance of survival.

As I mentioned in my last blog, I started a diet this week. I am happy to report I am now 10lbs less of the woman I was last week thanks to Mishayla. Week two begins today.

So the fly just met its unfortunate death. I knew there was no hope for that poor fly. May he rest in peace.

This week I have been able to add a whole chapter to the book I am working on! I am so excited about it and so happy that God has given me the time and inspiration to work on it. Hoping to get some more written this week.

I've been working on a couple projects as well. Pulled out the sewing machine today. I had a some ideas for a few aprons I wanted to make and now Shay wants me to make them into dresses for her. Silly girl, always wanting to add to her wardrobe, even if its an apron-dress??

I have had so much fun here so far. Shayla and I have laughed so hard this week while we did VBS for a class of 2 yr olds. The songs that were stuck in our heads each night!!! Oh they should never be repeated!

My new church is called The Pursuit. We go to the 5:00 service on Sundays. It is going to take some time getting used to not getting up early on Sunday mornings, but I think I'll survive. Last night at church, they had baptisms. They showed a video of all those that were being baptized, and there was this thirteen year old boy. He said something that just resonated with me. He said "I was born for God; I will die for God; but now I must live for God." I think sometimes we focus on the first two. It is important to be born again as some would refer to the salvation experience. We'll say the salvation "prayer" and think we're home free. We want to be "good" so that when we die people say good things about us. But we forget all those days in between. What do we live for? Is it for ourselves? Usually that's the case with me. I forget all about the One who changed my life, the One who gave me new life. I only think about people view me...what makes me happy...what I want. I need to get back to the moment when I realized what that little boy realized yesterday. We must live for God. Every moment, every breath He gave me. It's only fair to give back to Him what He already owns, what He deserves.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

the dreaded four letter word

Diet. I must emphasize the DIE in DIET. I have been on so many diets, and all have failed. Some have worked for a little while then I start living in the real world again. It's time for a change though. I can't live like this anymore. I don't just want to go through another diet plan half-heartedly and quit when I'm tired of it. I want to make a lifestyle change. So I have enlisted the help of Jillian Michaels...aka...Mishayla. She's a nutrition beast. She's leading me through this particular diet. I'll have 3 intense weeks of dieting, followed by 3 weeks of maintenance. I will be sugar free, carb free, and diet coke free (well all soda, but diet coke is the only one that matters for me) for the next 3 wks. You may not want to come near me during that time. It could possibly be a very, very scary time.

Today marks day one. I'm hoping that by sharing some of my experiences and goals, I'll be held accountable. This diet will be different. I will be different. So here goes my version of the Biggest Loser.

In other news, I am in Boise, still without a job. I have another interview but not for another 2 wks. So weird, isn't it? I've had two other interviews and one call back, but still nothing. Its all in God's timing. In the meantime, the writing is going well. I'm getting settled and really enjoying it way out west. The days stretch on and on. Darkness does not descend until 10pm. It will take some getting use to.

I'm taking my time typing this because it keeps my mind off of the fact that I'm dieting ha. Ok, here I go. I'm going to face this diet head on. We'll see who survives.