
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Riley and me

Well, day one of writing. I'm sitting at my sister's kitchen table. It has a nice view of the park at the center of the subdivision. Riley, a ridgeback/lab mix, is Shay and Derick's dog. She sits next to me and either has her head resting on the windowsill looking out longingly at the park or she rests her head on the corner of the table wondering what in the world I am doing and why I am not playing with her.  She's a boisterous dog that thinks like she's a small tea cup pup, but she is absolutely adorable. She's going to help me write I think.

I have a job interview later this afternoon. Which is good. I'm a little tired of resting, I want to get back to work. But this morning I woke up and I had dreamed about a character in one of my books. I had talked about it with Shay yesterday so I assume she was just on my mind. It was so nice waking up and being able to just go to my computer and start writing. I've been able to get so much done this morning. 

Saturday, May 28, 2011

new beginnings

As many of you already know, I started college in August of 2002. I started out well, but soon became caught up in all sorts of other things. I became extremely depressed and spiritually far from where I needed to be. I ended up failing several classes. I don't even remember taking most of them. I was just in a really bad place and ended up wasting my time and money on schooling that I wasn't taking seriously. I began to doubt the reasons why I was even getting a Biblical education. Seriously, what's a girl to do with a degree in Biblical Studies? I spoke to my counselor and she basically told me I was to marry someone in the ministry or become a church secretary. That just doesn't work for me. I ended up quitting school and moving back to Florida.

I had grown bitter from relationships gone sour...relationships with so called friends from the Bible college. When I needed someone to recognize the dark hole I had fallen into and reach out for me, there was no one and that hurt. I blamed them for everything. After 3 yrs in FL, I took one trip to Boston to see my sister graduate and it all changed. I remember sitting in the grand and historical Fanieul Hall watching her walk across that stage to get her diploma and I wanted it to be me. I wanted to finish what I had started. After talking to a couple from the school, the Sawyers, I began to realize I wanted more than to just finish. I wanted to regain my purpose. I knew God had called me to a specific task. I had lost sight of it for a while. Or maybe I just never found clarity on it.

I began to look at it from a whole new perspective. I decided instead of going to a Bible college in order to learn how to be in ministry, I was going to begin my ministry in Bible college. I wanted to be for others what I wanted so desperately when I first started back in 02-03. It was there during those moments that I found my direction. I love writing. I always have, but I've always done it as a hobby...for my eyes only. I realized that God wanted more from me. I realized that I could use my education in the Bible to be the base of my writing.

On Wednesday afternoon I walked across that very same platform in the historic Fanieul Hall in downtown Boston and received my degree. It has been a long time coming. I've learned so much a long the way. Yes, a lot of it was in the classroom, but most of it was not. I am so grateful God gave me a second chance.

I fly out to Boise, ID tomorrow. It will be a new beginning for me. I can't wait to start fresh. I can't wait to see what God has in store, what He will write in this new chapter in my life.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I was recently introduced to You choose some interests you have then brings you to random websites you wouldn't normally find. Well I stumbled upon a new favorite. It's called It plays the sounds of the ocean in order for you to relax, but what I've found is it doesn't stop after 2 minutes. It keeps going. I'm loving it. I've missed the ocean.

So I only have 21 more days of school then I'm off to Philly for a few days before leaving for Boise. Someone came up to me today and said that the rumor mill says I'm going to Boise for a guy haha. That would be false. I've pretty much come to this point in my life where I'm so focused on other things that a guy would really complicate things. Its been a long time coming to get to that point, but I'm finally there. I'm fine without one.

I'm going to Boise for a sister. We are planning on starting this website soon and hopefully, God willing, we will be starting a business together in the next few years or so. We'll see. I am also hoping to get started on some more schooling...hopefully a masters in English.

To be honest, there really isn't a point to this blog. I just felt like talking :) Have a good night everyone. I'm gonna listen to the ocean for awhile.

God Bless,